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The aim of the dataset package is to make tidy datasets easier to release, exchange and reuse. It organizes and formats data frame R objects into well-referenced, well-described, interoperable datasets into release and reuse ready form.

  1. Increase FAIR use of your datasets: Offer a way to better utilise the utils:bibentry bibliographic entry objects and working with the ROpenSci package RefManageR extending their fields of the Dublin Core and DataCite standards, and making them detachable from the data, i.e., including the bibliographic entries into the attributes of a data frame-like object. See for more information the Bibentry for FAIR datasets vignette. 2.Interoperability outside R: Extending the haven_labelled class of the tidyverse for consistently labelled categorical variables with linked (standard) definitions and units of measures in our defined class; this enables to share exact definitions, units of measures across computers and systems, and increasing the interoperability of the data set from an R data.frame to any standardised statistical or library system.
  2. Tidy data tidier, richer: Offering a new data frame format, dataset_df that extends tibbles with semantically rich metadata, ready to be shared on open data exchange platforms and in data repositories. This s3 class is aimed at developers and we are working on several packages that provide interoperability with SDMX statistical data exchange platforms, Wikidata, or the EU Open Data portal. Read more in the Create Datasets that are Easy to Share Exchange and Extend vignette.
  3. R+RDF=global interoperability: The From R to RDF vignette shows how to leverage the capabilities of the dataset package with rdflib, an R-user-friendly wrapper on ROpenSci to work with the redland Python library for performing common tasks on rdf data, such as parsing and converting between formats including rdfxml, turtle, nquads, ntriples, and trig, creating rdf graphs, and performing SPARQL queries.

You can install the latest CRAN release with install.packages("dataset"), and the latest development version of dataset with remotes::install_github():

remotes::install_github("dataobservatory-eu/dataset", build = FALSE)

The current version of the dataset package is in an early, experimental stage. You can follow the discussion of this package on rOpenSci.

Semantically richer data frames

iris_ds <- dataset_df(
  x = iris,
  dataset_bibentry = dublincore(
    title = "Iris Dataset",
    creator = person("Edgar", "Anderson", role = "aut"),
    publisher = "American Iris Society",
    datasource = "",
    dataset_date = 1935,
    language = "en",
    description = "This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) iris data set."

It is mandatory to add a title, author to a dataset, and if the date is not specified, the current date will be added.

As the dataset_df at this point is just created, if it is not published yet, the identifer receives the default :tba value, a version of 0.1.0 and the :unas (unassigned) publisher field.

The dataset_df behaves as expected from a data.frame-like object. See more information about the enhanced semantic capabilities of these data frames in the vignette article Create Datasets that are Easy to Share Exchange and Extend

#> [1] E. Anderson. _Iris Dataset_. En. DCMITYPE:Dataset. 1935.
#>     rowid          
#>  Length:150        
#>  Class :character  
#>  Mode  :character  
#>    x.Sepal.Length        x.Sepal.Width       x.Petal.Length        x.Petal.Width          x.Species     
#>  Min.   :4.300000     Min.   :2.000000     Min.   :1.000        Min.   :0.1000000    setosa    :50      
#>  1st Qu.:5.100000     1st Qu.:2.800000     1st Qu.:1.600        1st Qu.:0.3000000    versicolor:50      
#>  Median :5.800000     Median :3.000000     Median :4.350        Median :1.3000000    virginica :50      
#>  Mean   :5.843333     Mean   :3.057333     Mean   :3.758        Mean   :1.1993333    NA                 
#>  3rd Qu.:6.400000     3rd Qu.:3.300000     3rd Qu.:5.100        3rd Qu.:1.8000000    NA                 
#>  Max.   :7.900000     Max.   :4.400000     Max.   :6.900        Max.   :2.5000000    NA

The dataset_df A brief description of the extended metadata attributes:

print(get_bibentry(iris_ds), "Bibtex")
#> [1] E. Anderson. _Iris Dataset_. En. DCMITYPE:Dataset. 1935.
paste0("Publisher:", publisher(iris_ds))
#> [1] "Publisher:American Iris Society"
paste0("Rights:", rights(iris_ds))
#> [1] "Rights::tba"

The descriptive metadata are added to a utils::bibentry object which has many printing options (see ?bibentry). (The utils package is installed by default with every R system, so working with utils is not an extra dependency.)

Semantically richer data frame columns

It is important to see that we do not only increase the semantics of the dataset as a whole, but also the semantics of each variable. R users often have a problem with the reusability of their data frames because, by default, a variable is only described by a programmatically usable name label; for example, in the famous iris dataset, the length of the sepal for each observation (row) is in the iris$Sepal.Length column. If we would like to add rows to this dataset, it is essential to know if the numbers in the iris$Sepal.Length are measured in millimetres, centimetres or inches.

When working with datasets that receive their components from different linked open data sources, it is particularly important to have a more precise semantic definition and description of each variable.

gdp_1 = defined(
    c(3897, 7365), 
    label = "Gross Domestic Product", 
    unit = "million dollars", 
    definition = "")

# Summarise this semantically better defined vector:
#> Gross Domestic Product (million dollars)
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    3897    4764    5631    5631    6498    7365

# See its attributes under the hood:
#> $label
#> [1] "Gross Domestic Product"
#> $class
#> [1] "haven_labelled_defined" "haven_labelled"         "vctrs_vctr"            
#> [4] "double"                
#> $unit
#> [1] "million dollars"
#> $definition
#> [1] ""

The dataset package contains a semantically enriched version of the iris dataset (which is installed with every R system.)


# Print the dataset_df object:
#> [1] E. Anderson. _Iris Dataset_. En. DCMITYPE:Dataset. 1935.
#>    rowid      Sepal.Length Petal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Width Species   
#>    <hvn_lbl_> <hvn_lbl_>   <hvn_lbl_>   <hvn_lbl_>  <hvn_lbl_>  <hvn_lbl_>
#>  1 #1         5.1          1.4          3.5         0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  2 #2         4.9          1.4          3           0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  3 #3         4.7          1.3          3.2         0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  4 #4         4.6          1.5          3.1         0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  5 #5         5            1.4          3.6         0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  6 #6         5.4          1.7          3.9         0.4         1 [setosa]
#>  7 #7         4.6          1.4          3.4         0.3         1 [setosa]
#>  8 #8         5            1.5          3.4         0.2         1 [setosa]
#>  9 #9         4.4          1.4          2.9         0.2         1 [setosa]
#> 10 #10        4.9          1.5          3.1         0.1         1 [setosa]
#> # ℹ 140 more rows

# Summarise the Sepal.Length variable:
#> Length of the sepal in cm (centimeter)
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   4.300   5.100   5.800   5.843   6.400   7.900

# Check the attributes of this variable:
#> $label
#> [1] "Length of the sepal in cm"
#> $class
#> [1] "haven_labelled_defined" "haven_labelled"         "vctrs_vctr"            
#> [4] "double"                
#> $unit
#> [1] "centimeter"
#> $definition
#> [1] ""

Dataset Provenance

The constructor of the dataset_df objects also records the most important processes that created or modified the dataset. This experimental feature has not been fully developed in the current dataset version. The aim is to provide a standard way of describing the processes that help to understand what happened with your data using the W3C PROV-O provenance ontology and the RDF 1.1 N-Triples W3C standard for describing these processes in a flat file.

#> [1] "<> <> <> ."                  
#> [2] "<> <> <> ."                         
#> [3] "<> <> <> ."                 
#> [4] "<> <> <> ."                         
#> [5] "<> <> <> ."
#> [6] "<> <> <> ."                       
#> [7] "<> <> \"2024-12-24T23:43:45Z\"^^<xs:dateTime> ."

The From R to RDF vignette shows how to leverage the capabilities of the dataset package with rdflib to share the history and other metadata of your dataset globally, or import data updates from standardised statistical data exchanges.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the dataset package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Furthermore, rOpenSci Community Contributing Guide - A guide to help people find ways to contribute to rOpenSci is also applicable, because dataset is under software review for potential inclusion in rOpenSci.